Bearsden: A Roman Fort on the Antonine Wall


David J Breeze (ed)


Bearsden, fort annexe, bath-house, latrine, Antonine Wall, bioarchaeology, Romans in Scotland, Roman fort

Bearsden, Scotland, UK


Roman Scotland


The demolition of Victorian villas in the 1970s led to an excavation of a Roman fort at Bearsden, near Glasgow, on the Antonine Wall, and the discovery of a Roman bath-house and latrine.

The bath-house is the tip of an archaeological iceberg. Over ten seasons a substantial portion of the Roman fort was examined and its history traced. Of particular importance was the discovery of sewage from the latrine which provided intimate details about the life of the soldiers at Bearsden, including their diet and hygiene.

The excavations were led by the principal author of this report, Professor David Breeze, formerly Chief Inspector of Ancient Monuments for Scotland. Over thirty-five specialists have contributed.


[Bearsden] is a splendid and comprehensive publication that has greatly benefited from recent developments in analytical techniques, particularly in relation to bioarchaeological remains and artefactual evidence.
– Penelope Allison, Antiquity (issue 356)

[David Breeze] has now brought this project to completion with aplomb. The result is beautifully produced and thorough – now a rarity in excavation reports.
– Martin Millett, British Archaeology

This is what we should all be aiming for in terms of sheer quality, impact and readability.
– Jacqueline Cahill Wilson, The Journal of Irish Archaeology (volume XXV)


  • Front matter
  • 1 | The Structure of the Report
    David J Breeze
  • 2 | Previous Accounts
    David J Breeze
  • 3 | The Excavations
    David J Breeze, Iain Banks
  • 4 | Soils
    David J Breeze, Sjoerd Bohncke, Ian D Máté
  • 5 | Stone
    David J Breeze, Geoff Collins, Lawrence J F Keppie, Euan MacKie, Adam T Welfare
  • 6 | Brick and Tile
    David J Breeze, Dennis B Gallagher
  • 7 | Pottery
    David J Breeze, Donald Bailey, Paul Bidwell, Geoff Collins, Alex Croom, Brenda Dickinson, Andrew Fitzpatrick, Geoff D Gaunt, Mark Gillings, Katharine F Hartley, Euan MacKie, David F Williams
  • 8 | Mortar Analysis
    David J Breeze, Graham C Morgan
  • 9 | Glass
    David J Breeze, Jennifer Price
  • 10 | The Intaglios
    David J Breeze, Susan Chambers, Martin Henig
  • 11 | Metalwork
    David J Breeze, Lawrence J F Keppie, Sian Rees
  • 12 | Coins
    David J Breeze, Anne S Robertson
  • 13 | Plant Remains
    David J Breeze, Camilla Dickson, James H Dickson
  • 14 | Infrared Analysis of Charred Material Adhering to Potsherds
    David J Breeze, Frances S McLaren
  • 15 | Dendrochronology
    David J Breeze, Mike Baillie, Anne Crone
  • 16 | Bones
    David J Breeze, Jackaline Robertson
  • 17 | Insect Remains
    David J Breeze, John Locke
  • 18 | Parasitological Investigations of the East Annexe Ditch
    David J Breeze, Andrew K G Jones, Jef Maytom
  • 19 | Leather
    David J Breeze, Dennis B Gallagher
  • 20 | Reconstruction Drawings
    David J Breeze, Michael J Moore
  • 21 | Discussion
    David J Breeze, Lindsay Allason-Jones, Rikke D Giles
  • 22 | Conclusions
    David J Breeze
  • Bibliography
  • Index


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Author Biography

David J Breeze

Professor David J Breeze was President of the Society from 1987 to 1990, and Chief Inspector of Ancient Monuments, Scotland, from 1989 to 2005. His research interests are Roman frontiers and the Roman army. He has excavated and published on both Hadrian’s Wall and the Antonine Wall. 



May 29, 2020

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)